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How to Market your Wines?

Are you producing a great wine that you would like to share with the world?

You are. Then I would like to hear from you and if your wine is indeed something special perhaps I can feature it on the site.

To be honest not very many estates make the grade but perhaps yours is just the sort of estate I like to feature.

It doesn’t matter where you are, preferably somewhere in Italy but as I travel throughout the world tasting wine I am happy to accept one or two other estates in far flung corners of the world. I feel it would be a great way to add a little variety to the site.

Not a wine producer?

Perhaps you are a retailer or wholesaler of wines, maybe you even stock some of the wines I feature on the website? If you are you should be advertising on our site as people are always asking where they can buy the wines I feature in their own countries.

Other reasons you should be on the site?

Well we are near the top of all the major search engines for many keywords regarding Italian wines and we attract a large number of loyal visitors, mostly mid to high-end, from the UK and USA and over one hundred other countries too.

Our visitors are people who are interested in wine and often they visit right when they are looking to buy wine.

Together with our site on Venice and our site on Piedmont, Sardinia and the Cinque Terre we reach an enormous number of loyal followers 24 hours a day and every single day of the year so don't miss this opportunity!

I look forward to hearing from you. Please use the form below to contact me.

Contact Me

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Not involved in Wine?

If on the other hand you have a business involved with Italy or based in Italy and the business has nothing at all to do with wine then please contact me through my Venice and the Veneto site.

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