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Starting My Wine Business

Who am I?

I am a guy who loves his wine and I drink a fair bit of it too. All of it for research purposes of course. My lovely Italian wife, Maria, doesn't allow me to do as much research as I really should though!

Living Life in the Italian Wine Regions

I have been very fortunate to have lived a lot of my adult life in some of the best wine regions of the world and two of the very best in Italy; Piedmont and the Veneto. These lovely bucolic regions, their many wineries and the wines they produce have inspired this site.

How to Share a Love of Wine

Five years ago I would have been completely clueless about how to even begin sharing this interest of mine for Italian wine. Thankfully something called SBI popped into my life at just the right time.

I read through everything but being a little suspicious it took me a while to sign up.

In fact I tried a few free platforms first that promised me the ability to build a website or blog for nothing. Trouble is all the things I needed were "extras" or "plug-ins" as they called them.  I ended up paying more that I would have with SBI. Plus nothing happened.  I got no traffic!

Then I realised that what SBI! had been saying is true. I wasn't trying to build a website but an online business.  It takes hard work and they were honest about that which is not the case with others out there.  They also provided me with all the tools I needed.

Now I have my own wine business!

So do yourself a favor if you want an online business; stop by SBI, collect a new SBI website package, and get business building.

If you have a passion for anything in life SBI makes turning it into a business a real snitch.

Tiny Wineries – Global Wines

My little wine business brings many a lovely little Italian wine estate and their previously unknown wines (unknown outside of Italy anyway) to the attention of the world. It provides a living for me and my family and helps many a small farmer support his family.

Not only that but it inspires people from all four corners of the world to discover these amazingly beautiful landscapes, many of them in the less well known corners of Italy.

I hope you enjoy sharing my passion and I hope you'll try some of the wines too.

If you have any questions about Solo Build It you can ask those here.

If you have any questions about Italy or Italian wine you can contact me below.

Contact Me

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Return from staring my wine business to the home page of best Italian wines.

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